Saturday, February 11, 2012

Post 2!

ZOMG! Lisa saw this. Thats awesome! So I've got some more pictures! Yayyyyyyy *cue crappy IMovie sound effect*

Stay strong you guys <3 I hope this has helped you. Remember, theres always something you can do besides cutting <3

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Wear your heart project

So most of you know Lisbug (Lisa Schwartz) am I correct? Of course you do, that's probably how you found this. Well here I'm gunna post a bunch of YOUR photos of your hearts! And some stuff to help you get through cutting. I hope you guys enjoy it <3 If you guys want your pictures to be here, just tweet me at @jeansaredenim or hashtag #wearyourheart
Heres one I edited. 
 Awwww! <3

The last one is of me and my friend. Please stay strong you guys, please!
~Denim <3